->Dr. Sumitha Nayak ->Ms. Audrey Dsouza Immediate Past President ->Ms. Uma Reddy Founder President ->Ms. Rajalakshmi R. Past President ->Ms. Pratibha Nakil Vice President ->Ms. Asha V. M. Honorary Secretary ->Ms. Neeta Bajaj Treasurer ->Ms. Lalitha Panchanathan Jt. Secretary ->Ms. Chethana Marla Chairperson – Membership ->Ms. Pratibha Nakil Chairperson – Mentorship ->Ms. Rathi Srinivasan Chairperson – District Co-ordination ->Ms. Geethadevi K. Chairperson – B2B ->Ms. Lalitha Panchanathan Chairperson – Meet and Greet ->Chairperson – Delhi Network ->Ms. Rahat Khan Chairperson – Hyderabad Network ->Ms. Audrey Dsouza Chairperson – Training Center ->Ms. Vijaya Devi Chairperson – Mumbai Network ->Dr. Karthiyayini Priya Chairperson – Newsletter ->Dr. Trupti Anandnatha K. ->Ms. Nirmala Ramu
From the President’s Desk:
It is often said: Every Ending brings the Promise of a New Beginning! As we approach the fag end of 2022, its time to look back with nostalgia and then look ahead with hope.
2022 had its share of challenges. The fear of the next wave of Covid was still lurking, while all of us faced the grim prospect of yet another setback at the workplace. TEAM eMERG continued to work silently, bringing programs of worth via the online platforms. At the same time, the work continued for the annual event, FLLN, in the physical format. After a gap of 3 years, with the support of all members, the team conducted a successful mega event at Taj Yeshwantpur in the month of August 2022. An outbound team building activity was also successfully conducted, wherein almost 20 members and staff of eMERG spent an enriching day at The Pomello, Rajanunte. We have planned a fun filled Christmas party on 21st Dec, and I look forward to meeting many of you at this event. As we look forward to a great year at eMERG,
I thank each of you for all the support you have extended to eMERG. I wish you and your family good health, happiness and peace in the year ahead.
Warm regards
Dr. Sumitha Nayak
President 2022 eMERG
From the Editor’s Desk:
Hello Members,
I am still in awe of all the ladies who committed, delivered and made our flagship event FLLN 7 a great success. Heartfelt thanks to each and everyone of you for making this event a grand success. This shows that TEAM work make DREAM work. Learning, networking, collaborating and bonding were the highlights of this year.
Looking forward for growing together. I read a quote “ONE WOMAN CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE BUT TOGETHER WE CAN ROCK THE WORLD”.
Wishing you all AMerry Christmas and A Happy New Year!
Happy Networking!
Dr. Karthiyayini Priya
News Letter Committee
->Dr. Sumitha Nayak
->Dr. Karthiyayini Priya
->Ms. Aakriti Mittal
->Ms. Asha V. M.
.On 29th July, a team building exercise was planned as part of members engagement. A group of 20 enthusiastic ladies, arrived at The Pomelo Experience,to a warm welcome by our founder president Ms. Uma Reddy.
The beautiful open design of the farm house, set everybody in a relaxedmood and set the tone for the day. Members took part in games like samosa buster, passing the parcel etc and no one could keep count of the mini samosas eaten nor could they cite diet reasons and escape. Laughter, fun and camaraderie ensued.Our Samosa Queen Ms.Anushka had brought the mini Samosas and several yummy treats. After the games session, our President Dr.SumithaNayak, addressed the group, asking their expectations from eMERG, it was a lovely interaction among the ladies.
.Asuper delicious lunch was arranged by our gracious host Ms. Uma Reddy. Many of us set upon a post lunch stroll to explore the farm guided by the sweet in-house farm girl. Soon it was time to say good-bye, with promises to meet more often and sooner at the FLLN 7.0 falling exactly a month later onAugust 25th.
A fun day spent with our dear members resulting in better understanding of each other and line of work and bonding.Cheers to eMERG!
.The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific South (UNESCAP), in association
UBUNTU CONSORTIUM, conducted an off-line programme on digital marketing for womenentrepreneurs. The
training programme was held for two days on 2nd and 3rd August 2022 at Bangalore. It was an off-line
programme which helped the participants for more interaction, discussionsand clarification of doubts.
.Launch of 10k training
program on digital marketing
by Honorable Chief Minister
of Karnataka Shri Basavraj
Bommai lighting the lamp to
inaugurate the UNESCAP
Digital Marketing Training to
Women Entrepreneurs by
UBUNTU with 216 delegates
present. UNESCAP had conducted
such training programme at
Maldives in June 2022,
wh e r e i n , t h e f o u n d e r
president of UBUNTU
CONSORTIUM, Smt. Ratna Prabha IAS
was one of the panelists. Further, the
UNESCAP had sponsored two
candidates for Nepal and two for
Maldives for the programme, and both the
participants expressed that the
programme was beneficial.UBUNTU
CONSORTIUM has decided to conduct
such programme in Bangalore for the
benefit of our member associations.
The training focused on the importance
of digital marketing for business. It helped
the participants to get exposure &
onboard their products to digital
platforms. It also promoted partnership
among women enterprises to develop
their business at an international level.
The month of August was our flagship event FLLN, here is a brief report on FLLN 7
Every year, eMERG has its flagship event,the 7th edition of “Forging Links, Leveraging Networks, Reaching
Out on Friday, 25 th August 2022 at Taj Vivanta, Yeshwantpur, BENGALURU.
FLLN is a Celebration of womanhood, whichsalutes the spirit of women’s entrepreneurship.
We had around 221 delegates (Women Entrepreneurs) attending the event which had eMERG members, nonmembers,VIP`s, Organizers, Partner Associations, Media and Volunteers from MS Ramaiah Institute of Management Studies
.The program began with an invocation followed by the lighting of the lamp. All the dignitaries lit the lampwhich isthe symbol of knowledge and an auspicious beginning to the program along with Naada Geethe.
.Delivering the welcome address at the event Dr.SumithaNayak- President, eMERG welcomed the guests and spoke about the emergence of eMERG and how it is evolved over the period of the time in supporting the women Entrepreneurs Ms Asha V M – Secretary eMERG gave a brief introduction about the event and a briefly introduced the structure of the days event.
Address by Sri Murugesh Nirani HonorableMinister of Large & Medium Industries, Govt. of Karnataka
While addressing the delegates Minister Mr Nirani said entrepreneurs need more commitment than money to start their own enterprises. Minister also mentioned about all the support to entrepreneurs to set up their business and also about the Government Schemes.
Address by Keynote Speaker – DR PRATIMAMURTHY, DIRECTOR NIMHANS, Bengaluru Dr Pratima Murthy explained about the health and wellbeing stating health is a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual wellbeing and not merely the absence of illness and infirmity. She also said about the mental health of womenin workplace which includes strength of women leaders, under representation in leadership, greater efforts at work-life balance, bias and discrimination.
Exchange of MOU
Address by Ms Rajalakshmi, Past President,
Ms.Rajalakshmi addressed the delegates explaining the importance of connecting with Government, the benefits and support which eMERG extends to its members
The objectives of the workshop was to understand the concept of Power Dressing. Learn the implementation of the concept in personal and professional scenarios. Understand the different level of dressing including the accessories in work place.
Vote of Thanks
Ms Pratibha Nakil, Vice President, eMERG extended the vote of thanks for
all the officials during the first session of the event.
Bharatnatyam Recital by Students of
Light Music By Ms Megha Narendra Singer
Ms Megha Narendra had the delegates dancing to her tunes and enjoying the music.
The valedictory function saw the felicitation of women invarious fields with eMERG Women Achievers Awards
This year eMERG recognized 14 women entrepreneurs in various categeories
List of Women entrepreneurs who were felicitated in various fields
Vote of Thanks The program ended by Vote of Thanks by Ms Chethana Marla, Chairperson eMERG Membership.
eMERG Members were offered table space to set up their stalls and display their products and services. The opportunity was extended to Non – members as well. There was a good interaction with the visitors, who got a glimpse of the extensive products created by our members.
Dasara Ayudha Pooja on 4th October 2022 at Sanjaynagar eMERG office
The first eMERG Member Interaction after the AGM was held on October 14th, 2022 and saw many of the newer members attending the online sessions hosted by Chethana Marla (Membership Chair) and PratibhaNakil (Vice President). The interactive session started with a brief introduction to eMERG, overview of the current Committee members, the B2B and Mentorship programs at eMERG followed by a discussion of ongoing activities and upcoming member initiatives at eMER.
This was followed by introduction of the new members and what they hoped to get fromeMERG and how they could contribute to eMERG. It was a pleasure to note the diverse spectrum of products and services that the new members represented – from holistic, physical and mental healing to working with farmers to boost productivity, fair market access and pricing, facilitating loans, e-commerce platforms and dress designing. The meeting underlined the importance of collaboration between members, eMERG mandate to facilitate exposure to new markets and provide a heads up to opportunities in the private and government sector as well as access to support infrastructure provided by govt.
eMERG members attended Global Investors Meet organized from
2nd to 4th November 2022 at the Palace Grounds, Bangalore.
“Invest Karnataka – 2022” – Global Investor meet is organized from 2nd to 4th November 2022 at the P a l a c e G r o u n d s , Bangalore. Objectives of the meet was to showcase the investment opportunities of the state in various sectors and to project state as most preferred destination for investors.
Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi inaugurating the Global Investors Meet virtually
eMERG Center of Excellence
eMERG Center of Excellence conducted an Online Workshop on Power Dressing by Ms Nancy Goel on November 4th 2022.
Ms. Nancy spoke about various topics of presenting oneself in the best possible way through makeup and dressing the best way to compliment one’s personality. She spoke about the make routine I need to follow. She also threw light on how to wear Indian wear as formals, emphasizing on the color combinations and appropriate accessories. The audience thoroughly enjoyed the session, which was very informative.
eMERG Event Online Meet and Greet
eMERG Online Meet & Greet happened on 19th November.It was well attended by our members and a few guests. Ms. Jeyalakshmi Venkatanarayanan , Universe Power Systems, gave a ASubject matter expert talk on the topic “Leveraging MSME “
The promotional slots were given by Dr. Rita Rakini Mahajan, WOQEM Research Center Pvt. Ltd and Ms. Annapurna AL, Pushkara Services
The session concluded with members doing an elevator pitch
The International Women Entrepreneurs Day
celebrated at FKCCI on 22nd November, 2022
eMERG Online Meet & Greet happened on 19th November.It was well attended by our members and a few guests. Ms. Jeyalakshmi Venkatanarayanan , Universe Power Systems, gave a A Subject matter expert talk on the topic “Leveraging MSME “
Emergians Ms.Pratibha Nakil, (Vice President Emerg) and Ms. Radhika Setty shared their growth stories, which was very inspiring.
eMERG member Dr. Priti Manjunath of Nethra Eye Hospital conducted an eye camp in aid of avoidable blindness on 6th November 2022 at Nethra eye hospital Sanjay Nagar.
eMERG members attended the event Understanding your brand, organized by WICCI Karnataka on10th December 2022at Hotel Chancery, Lavella Road, Bangalore
Emerg Founder President Ms. Uma Reddy addressed the gathering at the ‘Understanding your Brand’ by WICCI. This was a wonderful program well attended by several eMERG members. A very useful session was delivered by Ms Uma Reddy for entrepreneurs on networking to understand the vision of global leaders. She emphasied the need of networks and asked the entrepreneurs to think of scaling up as an enterprise. She also told the women to stay focussed on their goal to be successful. Thus creating a brand of our own.
Wrapping up the year on a high note eMERG had its Christmas and New Year Party on Wednesday 21st Dec 2022 at RMV Club. It was a wonderful year end, fun meet with 35 eMERG members and guests. Fun, games and laughter echoed throughout the time spent together. Dr SumithaNayak on behalf of TEAM 2022 thanked the members for their enthusiastic participation and looking forward to having more such vibrant meets in the future, also several activities lined up for the New Year
eMERG Stars
eMERGian Ms Neelima’s Company TestAIng has been awarded the Emerging Start up Awards under the category
“Technology Lead Innovation” by BCIC (Bangalore Chamber of Industries & Commerce)
eMERGian Ms Jeyalakshmi Venkatanarayanan, Founder of Universe Power Systems (Celebrating Silver Jubilee Year) interview on the top mediaYOURSTORY. Please find the interview link below: https://yourstory.com/smbstory/teaching-dance-running-powersolutions-firm
Ms Jeyalakshmi Venkatanarayanan received an award from Job for her National forum, in the category Raising Women Entrepreneur
Ms Jeyalakshmi Venkatanarayanan, received the award from TB Nagaraja Minister, Small scale industry for a Best stall award at MSME
eMERGian Ms Shubha Prasanna, Embedsense SolutionsPrivate Limited won the Best stall award for technology at theMSME vendor development program and Industrial exhibition
eMERG has been working continuously to keep the organisation active on the social media. Abig thanks to our Social Media manager Ms.Nafeesa who has been supporting us with the creatives. Sharing the links of all our social media platforms and one of our recent posts. Kindly like, share and Comment LinkedIn Twitter – instagram- Face book- A big thanks to Ms.Chethana Marla the membership chair for the brain storming sessions with innovative ideas and opportunity to help the members grow and network. President Dr.Sumitha Nayak has always been encouraging and inspiring the organisation along with the OB and EC members for the constant support. Special thanks to our Secretary Ms. Asha for the formatting of the newsletter. Thanks to the back office team Ms. Vishalakshi and Mr.Vasudevan for their constant support. Attend the Meet & Greet monthly meeting of eMERG to network and feel the zeal of being a woman entrepreneur. Looking to be a part of this Vibrant Group?